
Limitless customization options & Elementor compatibility let anyone create a beautiful website with Valiance.

Web Developing

Client:Prabhakaran S Country:USA Category:Web Developing Share:Javascript, Angular, ASP.NET Core, Microsoft SQL Server

Details About Project

The creation of new tickets in building code indicates the implementation of a system for managing and tracking building code violations or infractions. Fixing barcode issues suggests resolving problems related to barcode scanning or processing, which could be crucial for inventory management or other applications utilizing barcodes.

The creation of offenses and updating hearing dates implies the development of functionality to handle legal or regulatory violations, along with maintaining and managing associated hearing schedules. Lastly, fixing the signature issue in a PDF file indicates the resolution of problems related to the processing or validation of signatures within PDF documents.

Overall, these tasks highlight the diverse expertise and problem-solving capabilities of Solidev or a similar software development company in addressing specific challenges and improving the functionality and performance of various systems or applications.